Positive Living Glastonbury

Review of the book from Positive Living Glastonbury.
‘The Sacred You’ is a weaving of practical and uplifting, intelligent insights, awareness’ and guidance about who we are and of our wonderful, unique and individual potential. It gives a lift if you are feeling low, or/and is simply most enjoyable and thought-provoking if you are interested in the contemplation and inspiration of your Sacred Self. These books are not religious, they are spiritual in the widest sense. There is no preaching to believe in anything, but Toby’s words and illustrations gently lead the reader into a profound place of Who You Are, and there is the space within the pages and the contemplation that they provoke, to weave your own experiences of life and it’s meaning for you whilst one receives the feeling of being held in a place of trust and of the divine. The Sacred You is also filled with beautiful illustrations throughout the pages alongside the text, which are an inspiration in themselves.